Our Services

Managed Services in Public Cloud

More flexibility, higher efficiency, scalable capacities, dynamic pricing models – these are just a few advantages that companies benefit from when they operate data and critical applications such as SAP ERP via cloud computing. Platforms like Microsoft Azure are also the cornerstone of an extensive digital transformation – and with us as a provider in the form of a managed Azure  or AWS cloud, they are in the best of hands.

As a certified Microsoft partner, we provide all the services required for the development, operation and management of an Azure cloud environment from a single source. We ensure smooth operation and, in addition to monitoring, patching and securing the server infrastructure, we also manage the operating system, databases and applications. Here is an overview of selected services:

Individual Azure cloud architecture
Our Microsoft specialists know exactly which solutions are suitable for the specific requirements of our customers and, together with them, develop an infrastructure in the Azure cloud that is tailor-made for optimal business benefits.

Migration and Integration
With the know-how from countless migration projects, we ensure that the migration of data and workloads to the Azure Cloud runs without problems and that business-critical applications such as SAP are seamlessly integrated via interfaces.

Operation and maintenance of the entire Azure infrastructure
In terms of Managed Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), we ensure that our customers can use the virtual cloud computing resources via Azure at any time and without problems – in order to get the most out of their investments in the cloud.

Cloud Migration

Which migration strategy works best depends on many factors, which is why Hege.Digital always starts with a comprehensive workload assessment: How can the existing infrastructure be transferred to a corresponding Azure cloud architecture? Can all applications run on the Azure cloud computing platform? What types of Azure VM machines are required? This gradually results in a clear picture and a recommendation for one or more of the following strategies for cloud migration:

  • Rehost: The existing infrastructure will be migrated to the Azure Cloud according to the “lift and shift” principle and will continue to use virtual machines and databases. Triggers here are often expiring server or service contracts.
  • Refactor: Individual applications are optimized for the cloud environment and adapted accordingly.
  • Rearchitect: Development of a new application architecture that is based on the Azure environment in the public cloud and takes innovative cloud services into account.
Cloud Compliance

In Germany and Europe in particular, security and compliance play a crucial role when using a public cloud environment such as Microsoft Azure. That’s why these topics are at the top of the list in Hege.Digital. This also and especially applies to third-party software and open source components that run in the Azure cloud. Regardless of whether it is SQL Server, Oracle or MySQL – we store and manage your data securely and carefully. With its data centers and cloud services, Microsoft fulfills numerous regional, global and industry-specific security standards and certifications.

In addition, security is guaranteed at various levels and thus meets the highest requirements. Starting with the access options of personnel to the systems, securing the data centers via video surveillance and biometric two-factor access control to built-in protection mechanisms of the compute platform to prevent unjustified access to customer data and to delete data securely and permanently.


We exceed our client’s expectations. Here, you can find some of the clients we have worked with.
health ag
siemens energy